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The Indian Parliament amended the Hindu Marriage Act in 1976 to provide for mutual consent divorce. It has provided comfort. In comparison to disputed divorce, we advise choosing mutual divorce. Time, effort, money, and toxic waste are all saved.
The procedure of starting a mutual divorce, the role of the court, the terms and conditions of such a divorce, the duration of such a divorce, the location of filing, and other related problems always confound the parties. The next paragraphs address all of your questions.
Couples should discuss their future plans together. If both partners decide that their marriage cannot function, they should defuse the stress in their immediate environment. They ought to embrace the fact that their marriage is over. Forget about your social anxiety. The husband and wife themselves are the best qualified to assess the problem.
Recognize that even amid conflict, there can be agreement.

Custody of Children in Mutual Consent Divorce:
If there are children involved, the spouses should agree on the custody arrangements and visitation schedules for the kids. While on summer and winter breaks, as well as other holidays, they might talk about temporary custody. The ability to care for the children lies equally with both parents. The parties’ understanding and agreement hold sway in this situation. In a divorce based on mutual consent, the parties may agree to shared parenting or joint custody. This can save unnecessary pain for both parents and kids.

Financial Settlement in Mutual Consent Divorce:
A financial settlement is the next crucial component. There are many different components of financial settlement, such as alimony, maintenance, housing costs, higher education costs, costs associated with raising children in a marriage, stridhan, shared investments, joint accounts, and many others. We offer the parties a forum to calmly examine these problems and come to their own conclusions as mutual consent divorce attorneys. As attorneys for mutual consent divorce, we present many solutions while utilizing our depth of expertise to achieve resolution. Sometimes, the level of emotion between spouses is so strong that reason breaks down.
